The Journey to Manhood - 001 Jarrah Volpe

The Journey to Manhood - 001 Jarrah Volpe

It’s a bloody confusing time to be a man right now, with mixed messages coming from every direction. So alongside creating high-quality products, our goal for STUFF is to support men as they navigate a new era of masculinity so that we can create a movement of men living a life of connection, purpose and positive impact.

In this series we’re calling Journey to Manhood, we ask some of our mates about their experiences becoming a man.


Q1 - Name: Jarrah Volpe

Age: 31

Profession: Emcee and Facilitator

Place of Birth: Brunswick


Q1: When did you become a man?

There were many moments and still many more to come. The first step was when I read a eulogy for my Nonno/grandfather. It was a moment where I had to hold myself whilst being fully vulnerable in front of my whole community. To this day, crying in front of that many people whilst paying tribute to a man that taught me so much is one of the bravest things I’ve ever done.

Q2: If you really knew me, you’d know that….

I have an unofficial world record which at the cost of a drink I’d be happy to tell you about

Q3: Tell us about a time when you had absolutely no idea what to do..

I was lost overseas, my passport stolen, no idea where my friends were, but had a panini in my hand!

Q4: The man I am becoming is…..

A man that lives in integrity with himself and his community. This looks like doing the do’s that I say I’m going to do!

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